What you can do

Contribute To Staff Salaries

The Elma School depends on skilled teachers and support staff (librarians, Nurse, Accountant, Chef, Cleaner, Security etc). In order to make the monthly bankroll we rely on contributions. These can be donated directly to the Elma Trust bank account, Either as a one-off payment or monthly donation. 

Village Tour to support community

Village tour is to learn about local people how to live, life style of working, and village culture to support and connect with them! villagers are happy to see foreigner and talk with them.

Sponsor a school student

Support the educational needs of a school student and help provide them with a brighter future.

Sponsor a university student

Sponsor a student’s university tuition fees

Dine at Volunteer Café

Our hospitality training restaurant teaches unemployed or disadvantaged young people valuable cooking and hospitality skills. Open 9am – 9pm.

Provide Community support

Contributions enable Elma School Cambodia to respond quickly to a range of urgent situations.